‘Wolfs-head!’ shall be cried against him, for that a wolf is a beast hated of all folk; and from that time forward it is lawful for anyone to slay him like a wolf. Very pleased to reveal a (relatively) tiny three-minute teaser of new Solstice material. Painstakingly crafted in preparation for our Prophecy Productions debut,…
The midpoint of the recent Solstice Finland tour, the entirety of the Turku set was captured for posterity by YouTube user Tyggerghast. Playing to a packed out Nirvana club on the 21st of September, the Saturday crowd was treated to quite possibly one of our best shows yet. Although I feel I could have personally…
There are no coincidences when one seeks synchronicity; and it seemed appropriate that Solstice’s Finland jaunt would manifest around the Autumn Equinox. Coming at the end of a tremendously successful Summer, our mini-tour with Cardinals Folly closed the season with a long weekend of cathartic mayhem. It was the first time in Finland for both…
With just over a week before Solstice fly out to Finland, and life outside the band likewise refusing to slow down; I take brief pause to reflect on a wonderful weekend in and around Balver Höhle. Prophecy Fest has always been a unique affair. Expertly curating an eclectic line-up of bands beyond the usual expectations…
It’s taken a few days to wind down and recover from the madness that was the Deströyer 666 mini-tour. A collaboration between promoters in Scotland and England, and one which came under fire from the first announcement. With both the headliners and Solstice running afoul of cancellation attempts and weaponised grudges, it wasn’t long before…
Had anyone asked at the start of the year if I would find myself sharing a stage with the legendary Arthur Brown, let alone sharing a record label, then I would have laughed heartily at such a suggestion. But it’s been a very strange year for SOLSTICE, one with too little laughter for my liking.…
Announcing a short run of UK shows for SOLSTICE this July. Heading out on the road with Australian anarchists DESTRÖYER 666 and London Black Metal heretics NECRO RITUAL, this line-up will lay waste to Glasgow and London on the 18th and 20th July. We headline an additional date in Stockport on the 19th with local…
Veteran Finnish concert bookers Metal Warning will bring SOLSTICE to Suomi this September. Taking in Tampere, Turku, and Jyväskylä for an unforgettable weekend of Epic Heavy Metal and rampant ribaldry. Riding out for all three dates are deranged pagan sons Cardinals Folly, with local supports locking down in the months to come. We’re working on…
It’s no secret that MENTORS have drawn ire in their half-century of history. Starting in the 1970s with the “I Can” attitude of youthful rebellion, these offensive upstarts pioneered the Shock Rock genre through their indomitable lyrics and style. Appalling, gross, and tongue planted firmly in collective cheek, this band were here to repulse and…
abysmalgrief birthday blackmetal cyberpunk darkher dawnofelysium deathmetal destroyer666 diocletian doommetal epicmetal filmmaking finland freedom gig heathenstormproductions heavymetal houseoftheholy livemusic magick mentors merchandise metal morbidangle music nervochaos newyear nuclearwarnow occult orphan prophecyproductions punk review ritualambient rossbaycult sciencefiction solstice subterraneanpromotions thrashmetal tour trismegistushex trivax violentor warmetal wolcensmen