Tag: review

  • To Dream among the Spires of the Earth

    To Dream among the Spires of the Earth

    With two weeks to go until the annual Alpine pilgrimage to Neudegg Alm and the House of the Holy gathering, I reflect upon one of my rare dabbles into journalism. Back in 2017, the festival had changed. Previously known as ‘Funkenflug’, this year would have it renamed to the current form, and with it a…

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  • Fire blades from the Tomb

    Fire blades from the Tomb

    With all the kerfuffle going on, I neglected to honour the long-awaited debut album from Torino’s Ponte del Diavolo – “Fire blades from the Tomb” A unique miscela of Doom Metal, Black Metal, and more than a smattering of Darkwave. With many surprises along the way, this all-too short album culminates with a crushing Nick…

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  • The Reviews are In!

    The Reviews are In!

    “No hate to Scream & Shake Horror Bar or Hot Pink Sewage, but mentors acted out of line tonight, flashed ass and pubes at an 18 year old, and laughed about it afterwards, and had to be told to piss off multiple times King’s of sleaze indeed, sleaze bags”

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