After many setbacks and scheduling conflicts, I am pleased to announce the start of live-action filming for my long-delayed sci-fi short / music video concept – ORPHAN. Initially approached by local band Dawn of Elysium for a simple lyric video, the scope of the project soon demanded greater ambition. A mini-movie invoking a grim future…
Although Tour Management has taken up most of my time of late, progress continues on the sci-fi short / music video I’ve been working on. With the storyboard locked down and approved by the relevant people, I can now scout out suitable locations to film the real thing. Located near Halifax, Allen Brickworks was established…
Principal photography has begun on my most ambitious video project yet. Working with Progressive Gothic Rock band Dawn of Elysium on a combination of music video and sci-fi short. More details will be released as the project develops, but the first day of shooting was a tremendous success. Working in Studio Five at Keighley’s Jam On Top…
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