
Daryl, HeathenStorm Productions

Embracing an eclectic existence across Europe and beyond, Daryl has taken to countless creative endeavours over the years. Most notably tackling bass duties for Epic Doom Metal veterans Solstice (UK). A band whose bludgeoning riffs and astute lyrics have inspired both musical passion and unyielding attitude.

Off the international stage; Daryl is a wanderer, an artist, and especially a writer. Through the juxtaposition of image and word he invokes insightful introspection across multiple media – with short stories already published and longer writings in the works. Also an occasional actor, previously appearing in film and television projects on both sides of the Atlantic; as well as dabbling in more practical disciplines of sculpting and special effects work.

Further inspiration has been found through exploring the esoteric and expressing ‘True Will’ through creativity, philosophy and technology. Tending to lockdown malaise, interests in psychology and Artificial Intelligence research have coalesced with the occult to create “Servitor”. A paradigm combining the “spicy psychology” of Chaos Magick with Machine Learning to effective ends.

A technically-focused problem solver with a passion for communication, capacity to embrace the unexpected, and an unrelenting urge to tackle the challenges ahead.