Introducing PROPAGANDA TRANSMISSIONs, a semi regular series of short videos to showcase new projects, give production updates, and feature other artists I appreciate. Brief snippets of work, statements of intent, and more to come. For the first episode, we feature the Chthonic Odio UK Tour, with on the road messages from NervoChaos and Violentor.
abysmalgrief birthday blackmetal cyberpunk darkher dawnofelysium deathmetal destroyer666 diocletian doommetal epicmetal filmmaking finland freedom gig heathenstormproductions heavymetal houseoftheholy livemusic magick mentors merchandise metal morbidangle music nervochaos newyear nuclearwarnow occult orphan prophecyproductions punk review ritualambient rossbaycult sciencefiction solstice subterraneanpromotions thrashmetal tour trismegistushex trivax violentor warmetal wolcensmen