
  • To Dream among the Spires of the Earth

    To Dream among the Spires of the Earth

    With two weeks to go until the annual Alpine pilgrimage to Neudegg Alm and the House of the Holy gathering, I reflect upon one of my rare dabbles into journalism. Back in 2017, the festival had changed. Previously known as ‘Funkenflug’, this year would have it renamed to the current form, and with it a…

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  • A Shortcut to Gnosis

    A Shortcut to Gnosis

    Fresh from the positive reception of published debut “The Womb of the Wyrm“, Equinox kindly requested a second story. This one for their follow-up Esoteric Horror anthology “Tras el Velo” (Under the Veil) I naturally leapt at the opportunity to work with the publishers again. Once more, I would submit my prose in English, and…

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  • The Womb of the Wyrm

    The Womb of the Wyrm

    Back in 2015, I was approached by Spanish eBook publishers Equinox to contribute a short story to their Esoteric Horror anthology “Junto a la Hoguera” (By the Bonfire) Having churned out reasonable prose through earlier endeavours, the challenge was eagerly accepted. The editors would translate my scribblings into their native tongue, so I could relax…

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