The ORPHAN shoot continues with a trip to the Academy of Live Technology in Yorkshire. There we hosted an ‘Introduction to Film Making’ Workshop for the students’ Enrichment Week. The session opened with an introduction to the project and sneak preview of the storyboard, then covered inspirations and techniques to balance big ideas with a…
Although I knew there were challenges ahead as the world ticked into 2024, I had no expectation of the struggles that would manifest from week one. Launching straight into the Mentors tour as festive fireworks still echoed was hardly the wisest timing; but through grit, good humour, and the able help of the Witchfinder, we…
Despite lurking for years within the dark recesses of the internet, the HeathenStorm website has never been formally “announced” until now. Originally hacked together on a default WordPress install for tour promotion, it has been painstakingly recreated from scratch as a self-contained theme. Ensuring site upgrades and maintenance won’t cause as many headaches in the…
After many setbacks and scheduling conflicts, I am pleased to announce the start of live-action filming for my long-delayed sci-fi short / music video concept – ORPHAN. Initially approached by local band Dawn of Elysium for a simple lyric video, the scope of the project soon demanded greater ambition. A mini-movie invoking a grim future…
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