After many seasons since the original EP, the time is right to return to Trismegistus Hex. With a change of focus and line-up from the initial scope, the project will now encompass musical meanderings and experiments beyond the expectations of Ritual Ambience. Yet no less magickal of intent. The old concepts have been cast aside,…
There is a place, one supposes, that calls to a simpler time. An age of pastoral greenery and unbridled passion. An idyllic ideal of the imagination, yearning to unravel through the concrete and tarmac trails of modernity. Arcadia, ever-present yet elusive, flickers in words and thought. An ancestral echo, barefoot in fecundity yet fragmented in…
With the DIOCLETIAN tour selling out across the UK, we’ve saved a little treat for the final show in Birmingham. Discordant, dissonant, and utterly compelling, we present ABRAXXUM. Occult Power Electronics and Ritual Darkness. A rare (if only) opportunity to witness their Great Work. The Steel Jaws of Choronzom close tight.
Fresh from the positive reception of published debut “The Womb of the Wyrm“, Equinox kindly requested a second story. This one for their follow-up Esoteric Horror anthology “Tras el Velo” (Under the Veil) I naturally leapt at the opportunity to work with the publishers again. Once more, I would submit my prose in English, and…
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