After many seasons since the original EP, the time is right to return to Trismegistus Hex. With a change of focus and line-up from the initial scope, the project will now encompass musical meanderings and experiments beyond the expectations of Ritual Ambience. Yet no less magickal of intent. The old concepts have been cast aside,…
Wishing the very best of Birthdays to Valr Kjósa. Shadowmother, Stormcrow, and shaker of all things acoustic in Trismegistus Hex. As her special day falls upon the New Moon this year, we are reminded that Gemini season is definitely upon us. Reinforcing the themes of duality present in our work. Ever creative, Valr has recently…
I’ve taken some time to collect my thoughts on the recent accusations levelled against my band and bandmates, despite fervent demands that I make an immediate statement of disassociation. I will not be rushed by those on the periphery who have offered no other interest in my presence than spiteful gossip. I’ll spare repeating the…