Valr Kjósa of Trismegistus Hex
Valr Kjósa of Trismegistus Hex

Nymåne Fødelsdag

Nymåne Fødelsdag

Wishing the very best of Birthdays to Valr Kjósa. Shadowmother, Stormcrow, and shaker of all things acoustic in Trismegistus Hex. As her special day falls upon the New Moon this year, we are reminded that Gemini season is definitely upon us. Reinforcing the themes of duality present in our work.

Ever creative, Valr has recently contributed to Black Metal projects I Sorg, Vörðr, and others yet to be announced. So it may appear that Trismegistus Hex has stalled. This is not the case.

Gemini is a much maligned Air sign, and the mercurial nature of our collaboration demands the trust of twinship. Progress on the album (and other musical interludes) continues in due course, with regular sharing of ideas and concepts, and all will be ready when it’s ready.

But for now, we celebrate!