A worthy weekend was spent in the service of Subterranean Manifestation III; an uncompromising all-day assault of Death, Black and especially War Metal in the capital. With the show itself magnificently arranged by Subterranean Promotions, I was drafted in for the essential duty of delivering the artists to and from the airport and venue.
Driving the Teutonic triumvirate of Thorybos, Death Worship and Bloody Vengeance may seem daunting to some, but they were all gentlemen to the last. With many miles clocked over multiple journeys, much convivial conversation was shared along the way – and a fair few post-show beverages once I’d done my part.
Absolute respect to organisers Laszlo and Stephanie for curating such a cracking lineup and keeping it all running smooth. It’s always a pleasure to work with these fine people, and I’m proud to have been part of the team.