Against all Opposition

Against all Opposition

Shayan (Trivax) holding a photo of Mahsa Amini.

“They paid the ultimate price for their freedom, and we become their voice.”

With the eyes of the world focused on Middle East escalation last weekend, it was with timely prescience that TRIVAX unveiled their video ‘Against all Opposition’.

Released mere hours before missiles took flight, it presents a scathing critique of the Iranian regime. Relentlessly intercutting a timeline of religious and state suppression with band footage. Clips from their early years playing ‘forbidden music’ in Tehran, to the freedom of expression they now experience in the West.

Beyond the band, this video is a paean to protest. A duty to speak for those who cannot, against the will to silence demanded by all oppressors. Honouring the countless souls dead, detained or otherwise ‘disappeared’ by the regime’s self-imposed morality police.

This video is not an easy watch, hence placed behind a warning click, but it is very much a worthy one.

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One response to “Against all Opposition”

  1. […] follows the band to Helgi’s in London, where elements of their incendiary ‘Against all Opposition’ video were filmed. We are also taken to the Cart and Horses gig where the band expressed their […]