The lineup for the London show has locked in nicely, with kudos to Morbid Angle for curating such a barbaric bill.
Joining DIOCLETIAN and TRIVAX on stage we have BLOOD CHALICE (FI) and GORGON VOMIT (UK). A stacked bill for a Tuesday, so make sure to turn up early for an evening of apocalyptic excess!
Oslo, London
Facebook Event:

Formed in 2015, Finland’s BLOOD CHALICE pour a sanguinary oblation of blasphemous savagery. Brutal and uncompromising, yet not without tight-riffed composition, the essence of Finland’s extreme past carries forward into their unholy communion.
Heed their Sepulchral Chants!

Openers GORGON VOMIT bring their own sense of Dread to the proceedings, with debut EP ‘Babylon Detonator’ tearing open the ears of those who dare listen. London based, but making their name across the country, they’ll hurl their Bestial Death Metal to all who turn up early.
Jah Retch!