With the festive baubles packed away and the first proper week of the year ahead, I prepare to get back on track to tackle the next twelve months. Many folk scoff at the concept of ‘starting afresh’ when the calendar flips over to January. That the New Year is just another day, or not even…
Although I knew there were challenges ahead as the world ticked into 2024, I had no expectation of the struggles that would manifest from week one. Launching straight into the Mentors tour as festive fireworks still echoed was hardly the wisest timing; but through grit, good humour, and the able help of the Witchfinder, we…
Fully reflecting the contemplative spirit of 2023’s waning hours, I look back upon a successful twelve months with HeathenStorm Productions and the bands I’ve had privilege to work alongside. Doing my part for old friends and UK scene stalwarts has always been one aspect of why I do what I do. But beyond that, it’s…
abysmalgrief birthday blackmetal cyberpunk darkher dawnofelysium deathmetal destroyer666 diocletian doommetal epicmetal filmmaking finland freedom gig heathenstormproductions heavymetal houseoftheholy livemusic magick mentors merchandise metal morbidangle music nervochaos newyear nuclearwarnow occult orphan prophecyproductions punk review ritualambient rossbaycult sciencefiction solstice subterraneanpromotions thrashmetal tour trismegistushex trivax violentor warmetal wolcensmen