Tag: musicvideo

  • Meet the Orphan

    Meet the Orphan

    After many setbacks and scheduling conflicts, I am pleased to announce the start of live-action filming for my long-delayed sci-fi short / music video concept – ORPHAN. Initially approached by local band Dawn of Elysium for a simple lyric video, the scope of the project soon demanded greater ambition. A mini-movie invoking a grim future…

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  • Hails to the Half Million

    Hails to the Half Million

    HeathenStorm Productions offer hearty congratulations to Trivax for the success of their video clip from album opener Azrael (عزرائیل). An anti-authoritarian statement of intent, empowered by their experience of musical oppression in Iran and elsewhere. Energetically shot by Morbid Angle and released last July, it has already topped half a million views on YouTube. Drawing…

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